UNITE HERE Local 54 Announces 6 Hour Temporary Suspension of Picketing at Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City
UNITE HERE Local 54 Announces 6 Hour Temporary Suspension of Picketing at Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City

Esau Ivan Madrid 1953-2016
(Atlantic City, NJ)—Local 54 is announcing it will temporarily suspend picketing at the Trump Taj Mahal on Tuesday July 19 from the hours of 10am-4pm to give striking workers the opportunity to attend memorial services for fellow striker Esau Ivan Madrid, who passed away Thursday evening at the age of 62.
Our fallen brother Esau Ivan Madrid worked at the Trump Taj Mahal for 17 years as a dishwasher in the cafeteria. Mr. Madrid is survived by a son and a daughter, nine brothers and sisters, and many nieces and nephews. Esau’s sister Alba Madrid Torres is also on strike at the Trump Taj Mahal. Esau had a health condition which required regular medical attention, which was unaffordable to him after the Trump Taj Mahal took away healthcare 20 months ago. Mr. Madrid will be remembered by his coworkers as a fighter for justice and healthcare for all workers.
“We are all deeply saddened by the passing of our brother. On behalf of Local 54 we extend our condolences to Esau’s family. May God comfort you in your grief. I can think of no greater tribute to Esau than to bring healthcare to those who need it most,” said Donna DeCaprio, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 54.
Even though there will be no picketing during those hours, the workers at the Trump Taj Mahal are still on strike, and Local 54 still encourages visitors to Atlantic City to patronize any other casino in Atlantic City.